Danseuse, chorégraphe, professeur d’éducation physique à l’université de Tsukuba.
En 1999, elle remporte le premier prix et le prix Nijinsky au Concours mondial de ballet et de danse moderne.
Depuis 2003, elle est nommée par le Nouveau Théâtre national de Tokyo et a chorégraphié et interprété quatre œuvres, dont “Chaconne”, “Butterfly”, “LifeCasting” (Prix Asahi des arts du spectacle) et “Le Sacre du printemps” (Prix Takaya Eguchi et Newcomer Award du ministre de l’Education, de la Culture, des Sports, des Sciences et des Technologies), qui ont toutes été reprises.
En 2005, elle a chorégraphié “Revelation” pour S. Zakharova au Ballet du Théâtre du Bolchoï.
En collaboration avec des musiciens et des artistes, elle publie en 2009 une performance solo intitulée “After the Lunar Eclipse”, en collaboration avec Light Art, qui utilise un scintillateur pour détecter les rayons cosmiques et les convertir en lumière LED. En 2018, elle publie “DOPE” avec la percussionniste Kuniko KATO, en utilisant Drumming de Steve Reich comme pièce solo.
En outre, elle chorégraphie également des comédies musicales, des programmes de natation synchronisée et entraîne l’équipe nationale japonaise de patinage artistique.
Dancer, Choreographer, Associate Professor of Physical Education at the University of Tsukuba
In 1999, she won first prize and the Nijinsky Prize at the World Ballet and Modern Dance Competition and in 2005, she choreographed “Revelation” for S. Zakharova at the Bolshoi Theatre Ballet.
Since 2003, she has been appointed by the New National Theatre, Tokyo and has choreographed and performed four works including “Chaconne”, “Butterfly”, “LifeCasting” (Asahi Performing Arts Award), and “Rite of Spring” (Takaya Eguchi Award and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Newcomer’s Award), all of which were restaged.
In 2013, HIRAYAMA premiered “Trip Triptych”, and in 2016, “Hybrid”, which uses a combination of traditional Basque music and Ainu singing, which led to a successful Basque tour in the same year.
In collaborations with musicians and artists, she released a solo performance “After the Lunar Eclipse” collaborated with Light Art, which uses a scintillator to detect cosmic rays and convert them into LED light in 2009. In 2018, she released “DOPE” with percussionist Kuniko KATO, using S. Reich’s Drumming, as a solo piece.
In addition to that, she also choreographed musicals, artistry swims, and coached the Japan National figure skating team.
Now, she’s also been actively involved in researching and collaborating on original projects such as “Hiten”, a dance experiment in zero-gravity space, and an automatic choreography experiment of dance movements using computer graphics.